Tag Archives: NAVGEM
It’s That Time of Year Again!
While we have not yet reached June 1 and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, it looks like nature may be poised to jump the gun by a few days. Models have been hinting for about a week that something might try to form near the Yucatan Peninsula and move into the […]
Invest 99L is Definitely a Paradox
Since I have had a couple of inquiries about Investigation 99L, the system currently passing through the northern Antilles, I guess this is as good a time as any to initiate coverage. I will apologize right now for a long post, but this is a complex system. Here is what we know as of noon […]
Unsettled Gulf Next Week?
Now we all know that models are nothing more than numerical predictions and they get less accurate the farther out we go. But there are some things we can look to when determining whether a given model output has any merit. For instance, when several of the major models have the same or similar outputs, […]