Category Archives: Landfalling Louisiana Storms
It’s That Time of Year Again!
While we have not yet reached June 1 and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, it looks like nature may be poised to jump the gun by a few days. Models have been hinting for about a week that something might try to form near the Yucatan Peninsula and move into the […]
Tropical Storm Warning
The National Hurricane Center has issued a Tropical Storm Warning for the Louisiana Coast from Intracoastal City to the mouth of the Pearl River. A tropical storm warning means tropical storm conditions, with winds in excess of 39 mph are expected in the warning area within the next 48 hours. In this case we could […]
Models Still Show Gulf Storm
A quick update on the system shown in yesterday’s models. The latest run of the ECMWF shows the system in a bit more clarity. It is basically predicting a hurricane approaching the coast of central or western Louisiana by the end of next week. Do not worry so much about the path this far out […]