Category Archives: Gulf Investigations

Potential tropical systems which may affect the Gulf of Mexico

It’s That Time of Year Again!

While we have not yet reached June 1 and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, it looks like nature may be poised to jump the gun by a few days. Models have been hinting for about a week that something might try to form near the Yucatan Peninsula and move into the […]

There is Invest 92L Coming Into the Gulf as Predicted

Well after the NHC saw fit to not even acknowledge Invest 92L for nearly a week, it popped up on the NHC Outlook at 4 am this morning with a 10% chance of formation and by noon was up to a 40% chance. Now in all honesty it has been there all along. As we […]

Hermine???? Updated

A quick update with more to follow as needed.  Hurricane Hunter aircraft out of Tampa are in Tropical Depression #9 and it appears we now have a tropical storm. Incoming data shows a wide swath of winds at or above 40 knots in the eastern semicircle, which would make the system easily at tropical storm […]

Tropical Depression 9 Update

Well while many had written it off, Invest 99L did not listen and by Sunday we had Tropical Depression 9 on our hands just north of eastern Cuba. The Hurricane Center quickly jumped back on the bandwagon and issued basically the forecast track we still have right now. That track would take the system, likely […]

99L is Still Fighting

A quick update on our friend 99L. While some are starting to count it out, I am not ready to do so yet. It has maintained convection to the south and east of the center for the past 36 hours. It has been conjectured by some that there was no longer a low level circulation. […]