30-Mar Noon | Cases | Deaths |
St Mary Parish | 10 | 0 |
Louisiana | 4,025 | 180 |
United States | 148,089 | 2,193 |
World | 755,591 | 36,221 |
I have thus far used this platform to try and bring you information on the Covid-19 outbreak, the SARS CoV 2 virus which drives it, and the social and health implications of the worldwide pandemic. And I will continue to do so. But today, instead of facts and graphs, I want to just talk from the heart.
Any hope we had that this outbreak might not effect us in the United States or here in South Louisiana is now long past. A look at any of the world maps of the outbreak show that less than a dozen countries are reporting no cases thus far. And a number of them, we know are just unwilling to post case numbers. North Korea for instance.
But the bottom line is the Covid-19 is not a Chinese fight or an Italian fight, it is a fight which every country and region of the world is having to fight. Even the research bases in Antarctica have been impacted by the outbreak. It is also now obvious that this outbreak is not something which will pass soon. The president has extended the “Flatten the Curve” advisory form the initial 15 days to a full 45 days, now ending April 30, with the note that this may need to be extended.
The best science available seems to indicate it might take another 12-18 weeks, if we do things right to flatten the curve and help our health system not be completely outpaced by the disease. Even with this effort, US officials over the weekend indicated we will likely lose a minimum of 150,000 to 200,000 Americans before it is over, with numbers approaching 1 million not out of the question.
To those still writing on social media that this is really no worse than the flu: CDC numbers show a maximum of 30,000 will die from 30 million flu cases in America this season. Covid-19 will kill five times as many at a minimum with far fewer number of cases, if we do everything right and get lucky.
That means obeying the restrictions put in place by informed government leaders at the advice of the brightest medical minds we have. Thus far, those restrictions are largely being enforced by the will of reasonable adults. Unfortunately, many of those here in Louisiana and across the nation do not appear to have the ability to act as adults. They feel that their desires far outweigh the needs of the general public.
A perfect example comes right here in Louisiana. While the overwhelming majority of churches in this state have suspended services and closed the doors to protect their members and society as a whole, Rev Tony Spell feels his Life Tabernacle Church in Central City, about 15 miles north of Baton Rouge, is above the good of the population. As hospitals across the state and country begin to overflow with Covid-19 victims and bodies are loaded in refrigerated trucks because morgues are overflowing, Rev Spell continues to bus in people from five parishes to fill his seats.
I’m not sure what book Rev Spell teaches from but the Bible is pretty explicit about putting the needs of the many over the needs of the one. Millions of Christians across America are making sacrifices out of their belief that we must always put the needs of the many above our personal needs. Anyone believe Rev Spell is holding these services and not passing an offering basket? I sure don’t. This is the exploitation of the scared faithful for personal gain.
And this is not the first time it has happened in the Covid-19 pandemic. As of today, a total of 5,161 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases out of 9,961 total cases in South Korea, are directly tied to the Shincheonji Church in Daegu, accounting for about 52 percent of all infections. The now infamous “Patient 31” in South Korea was a member of this church, which also felt it was above the rules and more important than the rest of the population. Subsequent testing of the 200,000 members of the church have shown as many as 9,000 may be infected, with formal tests pending. The City of Daegu has since closed the church and filed suit against it to recoup the massive price tag their defiance cost the city and nation.
It should not have to come to that. We are talking about peoples’ lives. When I still see posts asking “Does anyone know anybody who actually has Covid-19?” I can’t believe the stupidity. Yes, I do know someone! Michelle and I have a family member who has had all of the symptoms and is merely awaiting confirmation of her Covid-19 test. She is not completely out of the woods but seems to be turning the corner after 10 days of illness. She describes her moderate version of the disease as being the worst she has felt in decades, if ever. Days of high fever, chills, body-wracking pain, constant coughing and awful headaches. But she is lucky. She avoided the hospital so far. Look at the numbers. In Louisiana, 29% of those positive for the Covid-19 virus have been hospitalized. Nearly one in three. Of those currently hospitalized, one in three require ventilator support to stay alive.
Those like Rev Spell who continue to defy the restrictions best enjoy their fun now. Because experience shows when the populace cannot act as adults and work for the common good, the government, law enforcement and the military can surely enforce those rules and even tighten them. If we end up locked in our homes unable to go out, as is life for many in northern Italy today, every one remember it is Rev Spell and others like him who put us there. Not the government or even the virus, but those who think they are better than the rest of us.
Stay safe and Stay Home. Regular, non-soapbox blogs continue tomorrow.