Category Archives: Gulf Hurricanes

Hurricanes affecting or heading for the Gulf of Mexico

It’s That Time of Year Again!

While we have not yet reached June 1 and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, it looks like nature may be poised to jump the gun by a few days. Models have been hinting for about a week that something might try to form near the Yucatan Peninsula and move into the […]

Harvey: The Sequels

Harvey is the storm that just would not quit. It formed in the Atlantic and died in the Caribbean. It reformed in the Bay of Campeche and now threatens the middle Texas coast as a Cat 2, potentially Cat 3 Major Hurricane. If you live on the Texas coast, between Corpus Christi and Freeport, you […]

Hermine Grows as She Approaches Florida Panhandle

Tropical Storm Hermine is soon to be Hurricane Hermine as winds spin up and the pressure continues to drop. The good news is that Hermine is approaching land with landfall likely sometime later today.  At 10 a.m. Hermine was located at 27.4N 86.0W, about 275 miles SSW of Apalachicola, with sustained winds of 60 knots […]