Masks: Take Two

Just a quick update from my earlier blog,, on the efficacy of using masks. There has been no change in the science relating to how masks protect from Covid-19. So why are we reading that the federal Coronavirus Task Force is likely to recommend everyone wear a cloth mask when outside the house?

The answer lies in two emerging threads of information gleaned from the outbreaks in Europe and the United States. First, with regards to the outbreak here in the US and Louisiana, it is unfortunate but many still put their personal desires above those of the community, including their own families, by violating the restrictions in place. Second, we know that most of those infected with Covid-19 will spread the virus unknowingly for up to five days before they become symptomatic. Add to this the fact that many, especially healthy young adults, may not have symptoms no worse than the common cold or flu and never feel a need to be tested, while all the while spreading the virus.

When you put all that together, we have a large number of people with Covid-19 on the streets spreading the virus wherever they go. If everyone were to wear cloth masks, then those who are infectious would not be able to as easily spread the virus. Cloth masks will contain the larger droplets emitted via coughs, sneezes, and even respiration. Viral particles will still get through, but it is believed these masks could provide an additional 5-percent protection against you getting the disease from someone who has it.

Put simply, the masks are to slow someone with the virus from spreading it, not protect a healthy person from getting it. But with the explosive growth of the virus and those who refuse to comply with restrictions, we should embrace any help we can get.

But let me be clear: DO NOT PURCHASE SURGICAL MASKS OR N95 RESPIRATORS! These are vitally needed by the valiant health care workers we are counting on to keep us alive when we get the Covid-19. Sew or buy a cloth mask and use it as directed, should that order come.

That’s it for now. Today’s blog on how the virus enters the lungs will be up later today.

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