Just a short note today following the release of the daily Covid-19 numbers the Louisiana Department of Public Health. Louisiana cases soared over the past 24 hours to 5,237, an increase of 1,212 cases in 24 hours or right at 30% growth. There are now 22 cases in St. Mary Parish, an increase of 12 cases in 24 hours or a jump of 120%. Nearby parishes are seeing major jumps as well: Vermillion 167%, Iberia 89%, St. Martin 60%, Lafourche 45%, Lafayette 44%, Terrebbonne 18%, and Assumption 18%.
There were an additional 59 deaths in Louisiana, bringing the death toll to 239. That gives Louisiana a mortality rate of 5.9%. Worldwide, the mortality rate stands at 4.8%, while the United States is seeing its rate steadily climb. It was 1.0% last week, 1.2% yesterday and now stands at 1.5% as the first wave of cases across many states with newer outbreaks reaches the critical day 9-14 period where deaths emerge. Italy still leads the world with a mortality rate of 12.2% meaning that for every 100 cases, 12 people died, or better than 1 in 10.
It becomes clearer every day that Covid-19 is not just the flu. It is a killer for which we have no natural immunity nor a vaccine. Thankfully, some drugs are emerging that seem to at least moderate the symptoms in some victims. Much more research is needed and drugs like this are not the answer, just a better, more comfortable way to treat this disease.
Worst of all, Louisiana is not flattening the curve but rather amplifying it. As a community, we must take responsibility for not only our personal needs but our collective needs. Only by following the restrictions currently in place can we possibly avoid far stricter ones. Only when we social distance, practice meticulous hygiene, and avoid contact with others outside our immediate households can we flatten the curve and avoid the staggering death toll a runaway outbreak will bring.
I know many of you reading this are doing the right thing. But we need to start calling out those who don’t. This isn’t like normal vices where bad choices kill the user for the most part. Now it kills family members, neighbors, and even total strangers working desperately to protect their families.