Category Archives: Tropical Season Predictions

CajunWX tropical season forecasts

It’s That Time of Year Again!

While we have not yet reached June 1 and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, it looks like nature may be poised to jump the gun by a few days. Models have been hinting for about a week that something might try to form near the Yucatan Peninsula and move into the […]

Hermine???? Updated

A quick update with more to follow as needed.  Hurricane Hunter aircraft out of Tampa are in Tropical Depression #9 and it appears we now have a tropical storm. Incoming data shows a wide swath of winds at or above 40 knots in the eastern semicircle, which would make the system easily at tropical storm […]

2015 Atlantic Season Thoughts

Sorry for the late start to the 2015 Atlantic Hurricane season blog here at CajunWX. But with two moves and a new house over the past several months, time has been at a premium. Now that we have somewhat settled into our new home in coastal south-central Louisiana, it is time to do some prognosticating […]